Guat duds ot, tRL past i11. oUl 11\!1\0A!j atilt tast, as t’u. joiKtd b 11\0U alld w,Ae..
9-JRu ..a11 {riASt st01.te.d Ris f.aboA i11 Ris qllLSt to COKQUeA tll. st! Re uos disig11e.1. MtCRa11ic, a11d pilot, akd Re built a 1,,.ad.iKe. tRat tJOUtd. !rl!J but soMdoat tRe oAdu got tuiste.d, alld tle.k i11 tRt pubtic’s e. tlt. 011ty M0.11 tRat eoutd. be. sw. 11as tiz. 111.01t u«o i!llW b, to 1rt9.
Th,_ pitot llOS e.oe..yo11t.’s Rm,, Re tJOS bWOt., Re_ a/OS td. Rt_ tJOS gR!llld. OS Rt stood b Rig batteud o!.d bipf.aKL uitl RiS goggf.ts alld Rdate.t i11 Raid
To be. SUAe. tltse. pilots alt e.aAl\ed. it. to lr’-Y ou Raoe. to laoe. guts .
.. Ad tw_J btaze.d tW.t IIOM!S ill tte. Ratt Ofr ua 011 ui119S uitR bailill!ij swns.
t?ut !JOI ofr tRtse. f,tgill!ij lwes tleu. ‘1& tRousallds ot, little. 11t.1101111, Cllld tltse. uue. tiz. Itel\ uRo!ed. Ok tR.e. plake5 but t! tRw. tre.e.t Ok tlt. !ijlOUllci.