Guat duds ot, tRL past i11. oUl 11\!1\0A!j atilt tast, as t􀀷’u. joiKtd b􀀼 11\0U alld w,Ae..
9-JRu ..a11 {riASt st01.te.d Ris f.aboA i11 Ris qllLSt to COKQUeA tll. st!􀁗 Re uos disig11e.1. MtCRa11ic, a11d pilot, akd Re built a 1,,.ad.iKe. tRat tJOUtd. !rl!J but soMdoat tRe oAdu got tuiste.d, alld tle.k i11 tRt pubtic’s 􀂚e. tlt. 011ty M0.11 tRat eoutd. be. sw. 11as tiz. 111.01t u«o i!llW b, to 1rt9.
Th,_ pitot llOS e.oe..yo11t.’s Rm,, Re tJOS bWOt., Re_ a/OS 􀃓td. Rt_ tJOS gR!llld. OS Rt stood b􀀼 Rig batteud o!.d bipf.aKL uitl RiS goggf.ts alld Rdate.t i11 Raid
To be. SUAe. tltse. pilots alt e.aAl\ed. it. to lr’-Y 􀄇ou Raoe. to laoe. guts .
.. Ad tw_J btaze.d tW.t IIOM!S ill tte. Ratt Ofr ua􀄨 011 ui119S uitR bailill!ij swns.
t?ut !JOI ofr tRtse. f,tgill!ij lwes tleu. ‘1& tRousallds ot, little. 11t.1101111, Cllld tltse. uue. tiz. Itel\ uRo!ed. Ok tR.e. plake5 but t! tRw. tre.e.t Ok tlt. !ijlOUllci.